Campus Life 2015-2016


lip dub



Advocacy requires ongoing effort. It's not a one-time thing. We need to build relationships with elected officials so they get to know us, and more important so they understand the needs of our schools.

Principal Dr. DeLong visited congressional offices on Capitol Hill to meet with Senators Schatz and Hirono and Representatives Gabbard and Takai. The agenda was driven by the need for Hawaii to focus efforts on implementing the new Every Student Succeeds Act, which President Obama signed in December and which takes full effect in August 2017. The law require states to use other factors in addition to standardized test scores to determine school success.

KIS Band students are playing a baritone saxophone and tuba, generously donated by the Lloyd-Moore Foundation to Ms. Kusunoki's band program. The locally based foundation supports education, the arts, and medicine.

Trench digging in the Mālama Garden. Boys and Girls Club and Mālama Garden partnered to write a Whole Kids Foundation grant to fund an automatic sprinkler system.



Only about five percent of all Boy Scouts achieve Eagle Scout rank and eighth grader Owen Barr is ready to join this distinguished group. Today, he got one step closer with the completion of three bike racks that he and fellow troop members made for the KIS campus. Mr. Billingsley, a teacher on campus, is also an Eagle Scout.

Three generations of AVID - rising sixth, seventh and eighth grade - students got together for this year's AVID Showcase at Kailua Intermediate.



Ms. Gammon's Crafts students created "Ugly Dolls".

Kaitlynn Weiss and Connor Howe are in Phoenix, AZ, attending Intel's International Science and Engineering Fair as observers for winning the state (Kaitlynn) and district (Connor) science and engineering fairs. They got to design and test robots and participate in a Robotics Road Show.

marine biology club

canned food drive

Seventh and eighth graders from Ms. Bayne's Marine Biology Club visited Turtle Bay to do research on intertidal organismas and water quality.

Canned food drive April 27 to May 6 at KIS.



A pen and ink drawing created in Mr. Hartʻs art class.

Kailua Intermediate's band performed their Aloha Concert at Castle High School's Ron Bright Theater.



Yearbook Photography Field Trip

View Slideshow

Representing our AVID program, KIS 7th grade students attended the Spring Honolulu College Fair. Students participated in a variety of workshops to learn about preparing for college and visited over 140 college recruiters.

thielen visit


Senator Laura Thielen and Representative Cynthia Thielen explain how government works to Kailua Intermediate students as part of their annual interactive Legislative Roadshow. Students not only get to research relevant topics and write passionate testimony, but they also participate in dynamic debates and take-part in the legislative process.

You're never alone when you're reading a book.

Reading feeds the imagination.

Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader.



The Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii Travel Basketball League brought home the championship! Congratulations Rayden Manuel, Andrew Adams, Mahealani Morse, Maxx Waynant, Molly Jones, Aydan Lundquist, and Dominic Alcantara.

Students experienced a Board of Water Supply tour of Waihe'e Watershed and Tunnel during Spring Break. Tour information included a brief introduction on the importance of watershed areas to the island's water supply and the history and purpose of Waihe'e Tunnel.


exploratory day

Mr. Carbone's students ventured out on a Waikiki cruise.

Students participated in the Health and Wellness Exploratory Day featuring informational booths on pedistrian safety, CPR, and wellness. First responders including Emergency Medical Services, Honolulu Police Department, Honolulu Fire Department, and Ocean Safety and Lifeguard Services allowed students to sit in their vehicles. Students were entertained by a magician.



KIS Alumnus, Chris Tanaka, gave a special presentation to Ms. Evans' class on basic first aid. He shared his experiences as a lifeguard and EMT. Her students will use this experience to create their own presentations for the upcoming Health & Safety Fair!!

Ms. Wendy showed students the worm bin and explained how Vermicast is made. Earthworms are placed in a container with compost and excrete what we call Vermicast. Vermicast is a natural fertilizer that gives plants nutrients they need to grow well.



Dr. Lois Yamauchi, a professor of education in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Hawai'i, speaks to parents of incoming sixth graders about what to expect with adolescence, sponsored by Parent for Public Schools Hawai'i.


Chris Frohlich, from the Oahu Invasive Species Committee, a voluntary partnership of state, federal, and private groups that work together to protect the island from harmful and invasive plants and animals speaks to seventh grade science students.



Students in the African Dance Action Period have prepared all year for this performance, now in its third year.

Sewa Fare, West African and Congolese dance and drum group along with member and KIS teacher Dr. Marcia Howard pose for a group shot with students from the African Dance Action Period prior to today's performance.Sewa Fare, West African and Congolese dance and drum group along with member and KIS teacher Dr. Marcia Howard pose for a group shot with students from the African Dance Action Period prior to today's performance.



Mahalo to Lieutenant Colonel Michael L. Brooks

Commanding Officer, Sergeant Major Mitchell J. GreenSergeant Major and all of the Sailors and Marines from Headquarters Battalion and AVID students from KIS who participated in the partnership agreement signing ceremony.

Lt. Col. Brooks, Commanding Officer of Headquarters Battalion, Marine Corps Base Hawaii and Dr. DeLong participate in a ceremony to affirm the partnership between the two organizations.

history day


A student shares his display board at the district History Day competition.

2016 Windward District History Day News!

Congratulations to all fifty-three students from our school who participated in the 2016 Windward District History Day competition held on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at King Intermediate School. Seventh grade participants are pictured.



Real fruit is the game controller in this video game enjoyed by students at the Science and Engineering Showcase.

"We want you to be in the mindset of a college student," Kailua Intermediate eighth graders were told as they learned about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) opportunities offered at Windward Community College.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Students were encouraged to enter this year's BWS 2016 Water Conservation Week Poetry Contest. As noted on their website, "The 2016 contest theme, "Pure Water – There Is No Substitute," invites Oahu youth to creatively express their understanding and appreciation of clean, fresh drinking water as one of our most valuable resources and that we all share responsibility to support efforts to protect our precious and finite water supply for generations to come."

The contest deadline is February 24, 2016.

-posted by the Social Studies department

board of water

Mr. Aiu, Board of Water Supply community relations specialist, spoke to seventh graders about the importance of wai (fresh water) historically and culturally to Hawaiians and to residents of our islands today. An overview of how fresh water forms in our islands was also presented.



你会不会讲普通话?Maxx works on Level 3 Mandarin in the library.

"We are so grateful that Helena could attend your excellent Kailua Intermediate School. School started for Helena again in Salzburg today and her teachers and colleagues were eager to learn how school is different in Hawai'i. Yet, she could not convince her school to offer Polynesian Dance. All the best from Salzburg, Aloha, Wofgang Pree," Helena's Father.



Kailua Inter PEP & AVID students are preparing for next week's Traffic Safety Campaign. All Kailua elementary schools will also be participating in effort to promote Traffic & Pedestrian safety. Monday morning students will kick off with a Sign Waiving to encourage drivers and pedestrians to "Show you care, Be aware".

Representative Chris Lee visits with a student programming a robot in preparation for robotics.



honor roll

science fair

Forty percent of KIS students were on the honor roll second quarter with each earning a 3.5 or higher Grade Point Average.

KIS students and teachers participated in the 30th annual Windward Engineering and Science Fair.

student leadership


Maili shows off the magazine bowls she created in her crafts class with Ms. Gammon.



Chess is one of the Action Period choices, run by Ms. Werner. Students also play chess in the library and around campus. " Chess is everything - art, science, and sport ." - Karpov

Kalaheo leaders visited Kailua Intermediate student leaders to encourage the Jr. Surfriders to continue serving as leaders in high school, whether attending Kalaheo or Kailua high schools.



Windward student leaders, including Kailua Intermediate students, helped prepare a ferry for sinking as a wreck site. The submerged ferry will serve as an artificial reef barrier, protecting the shoreline, supporting a habitat for fish and marine life, and providing a very cool dive spot.

Uncle Clyde Aikau speaks to students about the legacy of his late brother Eddie, a big wave surfer, lifeguard, and Hokule'a crew member. A hero in his own right, Uncle Clyde is a big wave surfer and former Waimea lifeguard and crew member on the Hokule'a. He is also a college graduate, earning psychology and sociology degrees from the University of Hawai'i. He was named a "Waikiki Surfing Legend" by the Duke Kahanamoku Foundation.



Here's a portion of a code that directs a robot to move forward, pause for five seconds, and then move back.








At Science Olympiad events fall into three categories: Science Concepts and Knowledge, Science Processes and Thinking Skills, and Science Application and Technology.



"Seeds for ideas" is what Engineering teacher Mr. Doug Howe calls the generous availability of supplies to which students have ready access in the classroom.

Students investigate how submarines dive and surface by changing their buoyancy in the water.





Eighth grade AVID students show off their new team t-shirts.

Andrew sets a good example by wearing his helmet when he rides his bike to school.


Students in Mr. Crawford's class participate in a Philosophy for Children activity in which they develop and then discuss, using a community ball, higher level questions about the impact America's war for independence had during that period and today.

Seventh grade AVID students show off their new team t-shirts.



Students in the African Dance Action Period rehearse a scene from the folktale "The Monkey and the Crocodile".

Students work on assignments in Ms. Kutsunai's classroom.

garden volunteers


Mahalo to alumnus Niko Moss, his dad Art, and Art's VPU2 squadron for cleaning and clearing our school garden, mulching areas around campus, and scrapbooking our campus with wall art in the boys' bathroom.

Kailua Intermediate Engineering students designed and tested bridges, learning that a "live load" is the weight a bridge can support in pounds, a "dead load" is the weight of the bridge itself, and that a more efficient design will have a higher quotient.



Created by Nakaylah Pua Olena-Lal



Created by Christopher Seei

winter concert


Kailua Intermediate's Beginning and Advanced bands, over 100 strong, presented their Winter Concert to the delight of family and friends.

Nearly 300 seventh grade social studies students enjoyed hands-on lessons at the Polynesian Cultural Center, learning cultural games, music and dance customary to the islands of New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, and other Polynesian islands.

cup challenge


Chloe (right) won the Cup Challenge at lunch.

Thirteen teams participated in the First Annual KIS Dodge Ball Tournament, organized by Student Leader Zoe Carmack.



Angela models a bag that she created

in Ms. Evans CT-FACS class.

field trip

Ho'ola Club members proudly display their new uniforms. Students learn work-ready skills and work one week per month preppign and serving lunch in the school cafeteria while earning a half of a credit. Cafeteria manager, Ms. Maosi, teaches students safe food handling procedures and required Board of Health hand washing and hair containment methods.


At Dupont Farms in Waialua, KIS students learned that plastics are a large bi-product of the corn industry.

Printmaking in Mr. Hart's Class

science fair runoffs


A student discusses his project with a judge during the school -level science fair runoffs. Selected projects will advance to the district level held on February 13.

Kailua Mustang cheerleaders, many of whom are from Kailua Intermediate, placed first in Florida at the national competition. Congratulations!


Turkey Trot

Representative Cynthia Thielen spent the morning at KIS walking around campus, chatting with teachers, and visiting students.

Students participated in the annual Turkey Trot race.

Kalaheo High

Eighth grade students practiced CPR on a dummy in a science lab while visiting Kalaheo High School. KIS students toured both Kailua and Kalaheo High School to help them adjust to their transition to 9th grade.


Registration time at KIS !!! AVID students

help peers with the registration process.



Kailua Intermediate Advanced Band students performed at a joint concert with the Kailua High School Symphonic band in which small ensembles were also featured.

Donovan shares what he's learning about Spanish language and culture in Ms. Tangaro's class with a friend.



Kailua Intermediate seventh graders throughly enjoyed the Boys and Girls Clubhouse presentation of Polywolynesia, directed by Mr. John Mazur.

Alumni News: The Hawaii Association of Secondary School Administrators (HASSA) selected Winston Sakurai, Hanalani Upper School Principal, and Kailua Intermediate alumnus, as the 2016 National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Hawaii Principal of the Year. The award is open to all middle and high school principals in the state.


blue angels

P.E. students bowl at the Pali Lanes.

For being recognized as a Key Influencer by the U.S. Navy, teacher Matt Billingsley got to fly on Fat Albert, the Navy's C130 supply plane that escorts the Blue Angels.


Way to go KIS!! We were able to participate in a Google Hangout with Polynesian Voyaging Society, Miki Tomita, UH Lab School, at Point England School in Aotearoa, and world renowned archaeologist Dr. Nilsson at Pinnacle Point in South Africa. This is the location of the oldest human artifacts known today! See article

See KITV News Clip

Star Advertiser article

Students created a Veterans Day Mahalo Tree to thank their parents who serve in the military and community members who have served to protect our freedom.

Holulea crew

Students pose with members of the Polynesian Voyaging Society during a presentation about the Hokulea and the Malama Honua Worldwide Voyage.

Students from the Volunteer Action Period lower the flags in accordance with President Barack Obama's proclamation that American flags to be flown at half-staff until sunset Thursday to show solidarity with the people of France after the Paris attacks.


Make a Difference Day

Angela proudly shows off the pillow she learned to sew in Ms. Evans' Family and Consumer Science class.

Eighty-eight volunteers completed more than 50 campus painting, beautification, and cleaning projects on Make a Difference Day on Saturday, November 14. Volunteers from AVID, Leadership, PEP, New Hope East Shore, and our military partners, Headquarters Battalion Marine Corps Base Hawaii were well represented.

For more photos visit



To combat the heat at the start of the year we conducted a fan drive, "Cool our School" at Kailua Intermediate and set a goal of 50 fans, one per classroom. One of our parents, Brenda Jensen, is a member of Awesome Foundation Oahu Chapter, a group of individuals that donates $1,000 every month toward a project that improves Oahu. This group picked our school for one of their awards and donated 26 fans, costing a total of 1,000, enabling us to meet our goal of 50 fans. Pictured is a group of seventh graders and, from the foundation, Brenda Jensen, Kathy Bryant, and Tara Spagnoli

Students in the Ho'ola Culinary Arts program got to make cookies for the Make a Difference Day volunteers.

turkey trot

food drive

The rain held so KIS students and teachers could participate in our annual Turkey Trot! Congratulations to all of our runners! Great job P.E. Department!

Join us for our Turkey Run on November 25, 2015. Please donate cans of food for our annual Canned Food Drive for Kailua Charities.

science boards

science boards

Students present their science and engineering fair

projects to their peers for feedback.

Students are gathering for peer feedback

for Science and Engineering Fair project.

Mr. Howe

Magic Flute

Mr. Carbone's students worked with our Robotics and Engineering teacher Mr. Howe on their model Polynesian voyaging canoe.

Students performed and sang along as Hawaii Opera Express presented the Magic Flute.

perfect attendance

perfect attendance

Students with perfect attendance show off their Red Bands.

hula hoop

change wars

The results are in and $586.59 raised for UNICEF through the Change War, which the Blue Team won and was treated a special lunch in the cafeteria.


Mr. Rod

The Malama Garden watermelon beat the Alloun Farms watermelon with votes of 76-51 in a taste contest held in the cafeteria courtyard at lunch.

Guest artist and educator Rod Maghsoudlou shared his life's journeys, words of wisdom and photography from all around the world during Mr. Hart's art class. Mr. Rod addressed important issues through his artwork including socioeconomic status, environmental changes and a full array of people and landscapes.

Mcd fundraiser


Band fundraiser at McDonalds

Band fundraiser at McDonalds


African dance group

A student sets a good example by wearing her helmet. All of the bikes behind her have helmets hanging off of the handle bars, too!

Dr. Howard's African Dance Action Period

practices a hunting dance.

change war


Got Change? From October 16-23 students are participating in the UNICEF Change Wars Drive to raise funds to support children's rights, survival, and protection. Here, students and staff members are adding change to an empty five-gallon water jug to earn points for their teams.

Mr. Carbone's students harvested their prized watermelon, weighing in at a whopping 16.5 pounds.



Exploratory Day

Exploratory Day

exploratory day

Exploratory Day


student art work

Ceramic projects from Mr. Hart's Art Class.

Glass projects created in Mr. Hart's Art Class.

spirit week


spirit week

spirit week

exploratory day

Spirit Week

'Murica Monday

Twin Tuesday

Workout Wednesday

Tourist Thursday

Flashy Friday

Exploratory Day Activities



Students in Ms. Evans period 3 (CT-FACS) class learned to tie knots and then made their own Hydroflask holders with guidance from guest and parent Gigi Jones.

Kaulike recommends that students eat the

nutritious lunches at KIS.


beach cleanup

Students in Ms. Rodrigues' classes use laptops to access Google Docs as they explore writing topics.

Science teacher Ms. Bayne and Maggie pose with their sand sifters created by KIS Engineering Department to assist KIS Marine Biology Club students clean up Kailua Beach in September.



Students engage in friendly chess competitions in

Ms. Werner's Chess Action Period.

Engineering students were given a challenge

to build a projective on Block Schedule Day.



Students in the Robotics Action period test out their scripts to move their robots and prepare for the First Lego League competition.



Students in the Engineering program learn coding skills by writing and testing scripts they've written.

Students Sydney, Sydney, Lainee, and Elizabeth, from Ms. McWhorter's Community Service Action Period, raise the flags for the school.



The KIS Polynesian Dance performed

for an enthusiastic crowd at lunch.

art student

art student



A student learns to express herself

through art in Mr. Hart's class.

A community member donated

cases of water to help our keiki cool off.



The Art Action Period mural is still under construction and starting to look amazing.

See Mr. Hart's Art Video , created by P. Wallace

Two artists in Mr. Hart's Action Period jump for joy after the class' proposal to paint a mural outside their room was approved. Watch as the class creates a work of art that celebrates the culture of Kailua. See Mr. Hart's Art Video , created by P. Wallace


Claudia shows her friends one of the quotes she painted to promote a positive school culture at Kailua Intermediate.

work day


Military partners helped trim hedges, fasten mulch bins, and repair netting in the Malama Garden.

Mrs. McWhorter's daughter Keely found a book at our book fair. The book fair is in the library from Aug. 20 - 28.

KIS Hatch Lab

work day

National Junior Honor Society members from Kalaheo High School completed more than ten service projects on Saturday, August 30. Here, two former Jr. Surfriders paint inspirational words on a new bench.


Alice In Wonderland

Eighth grader Braden Uehara celebrates his honor roll recognition from fourth quarter of last school year with his father, Mr. Uehara.

Students attended the ballet Alice in Wonderland during a special event on a Thursday evening.

Nullet NYC

science department

Mrs. Nullet met astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson

in NYC this summer.

The KIS Science Department has been nominated for the Department of Education Team Excellence Award for the Windward District.

Back row: Mr. Howe, Mrs. Walton, Mr. Kagami, Mr. Clark Front row: Ms. Tangaro, Ms. Bayne. Ms. Pillons is missing from the photo.


On Friday, June 19, 2015, Ms. Shauna Hirota participated in the official signing of SB 1030 with Governor David Y. Ige at the Hawaii State Capitol. Ms. Hirota's Social Studies students, along with the help and support of Senator Glenn Wakai, originally proposed a similar bill to the State Legislature, beginning in 2005. For the last 10 years, we have been trying to get this law passed.

The new law increases the minimum age from 18 to 21 for the sale, possession, consumption, or purchase of tobacco products or electronic smoking devices.

The passage of this bill makes Hawai'i the first state in the nation to raise the minimum age of legal access to tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices to 21.

Dear Dr. Delong:

I want to congratulate you, your staff, Best Buddies Hawaii chapter members and all of those who support inclusion. Your leadership plays a big role in how your staff and students perceive the principles of inclusion and then act on those principles. Students in the club are part of a global movement to end bullying, foster opportunities for students with IDD to increase their self-esteem, and they are the students who set the example for others that everyone deserves the opportunity to have a friend.

I am so proud to recognize Kailua Intermediate as the 2015 Chapter of the Year in Hawaii! I encourage everyone to continue spreading the word about inclusion and keep up the amazing work that you all have done!

With aloha,

Stephen Potts

Area Director, Best Buddies Hawaii

Best Buddies Award