Aqua-tainer Co Bucket Opener No P38 Youtube
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. Level 1 :
- The Anteater
- The Gruffalo
- The Tiger
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Vocabulary / On the run.
Chapter 1 :
– he glanced : il jeta un coup d'oeil
– his shift : sa rotation de poste ( au travail )
– meat : viande
– crooked tooth : dent tordue
– threatening : menaçant, effrayant
– burst out : sortit en trombe
– was swallowed by the night : fut avalé par la nuit, disparut dans la nuit
Chapter 2 :
– clawed at him : s'agrippaient à lui comme des griffes
– the surrounding hills : les collines environnantes
– prying eyes : regards insistants
– eased : s'apaisa
– fizzing light : lumière effervescente
– barely : à peine
– with a pang of regret : avec une pointe de regret
Chapter 3 :
– snowflakes : flocons de neige
– the frosty air : l'air glacé
– wove through fields : serpentait à travers les champs
– to tread : s'aventurer sur
– hunched shoulders : épaules voûtées
– stalker : harceleur
– surged through his body : envahit son corps
Chapter 4 :
– brambles : ronces
– pinned : coincée
– momentum : élan
– ghastly head : tête effroyable
– stare : regard fixe
– rumbled to a stop : s'arrêta en grondant
– shrank back : rétrécirent et s'enfoncèrent ( sous la peau )
Chapter 5 :
– shredded : râpé, déchiqueté
– priory : prieuré, couvent
– ceilings : plafonds
– enough : assez de
– squirrels : écureuils
– remind himself : se rappeler
– pit : fosse ( ici : fond )
Chapter 6 :
– paws : pattes ( animaux )
– trust : confiance
– the gloom : les ténèbres
– to sweep up the slope : à balayer la pente ( ici : éclairer )
– flattened himself : s'aplatit
– criss-crossed around him : sillonnaient autour de lui
– relief : soulagement
Chapter 7 :
– grabbed : attrapa, saisit
– assault : agression
– to stay under the radar : passer inaperçu
– I couldn't stick around : je ne pouvais pas m'attarder
– to lie low : rester discret
– tightened : se serra
– his few belongings : ses quelques bagages
Chapter 8 :
– a croak to her voice : le ton rauque de sa voix
– she sounded frightened : elle semblait effrayée
– somewhere : quelquepart
– shapes : formes, silhouettes
– she was staggering : elle titubait
– for her sake : pour son bien
– quiver : tremblement
Chapter 9 :
– muttered : marmonna, murmura
– jeered the other : dit l'autre en se moquant
– his grip : son étreinte
– rumbled : gargouilla, gronda
– a growl : grognement
– fluttered away : s'envolèrent
– snapped : craquèrent
Chapter 10 :
– howls : hurlements
– from either side : de chaque côté
– back and forth : d'un côté à l'autre
– a split-second decision : décision très rapide
– ripping : déchirant
– raked : trancha / racla
– a blur : une tache
Chapter 11 : http://
– the wound : la blessure
– his strenght was fading : sa force s'évanouissait
– snout : museau
– tufts of hair : touffes de cheveux
– sprawling : s'étalant
– snarled : grogna
– lifeless stare : regard sans vie
Chapter 12 : http://
– figures : silhouettes
– the undergrowth : les brousailles
– lurched : vacilla
– to stagger : tituber
– frowning : fronçant les sourcils
– drooling : bavant
– nodded : fit oui de la tête
Level 2 / TITANIC
Chapter 1 :
- p1 – beneath : au-dessous
- the wreck : l'épave
- a grave : une tombe
- p 2 – ablaze : brûlaient
- gash : entaille
- p 3 – rash stupidity : acte irréfléchi
- p 4 – cowardice : lâcheté
Chapter 2 :
- p 5 – wondered : se demanda
- p 6 – flimsy : fragile, précaire
- p 7 – drowned : se noyèrent
- p 8 – spring up : fleurir, émerger
- p 9 – occurred : se déroula
- p 10 – starvation : privation
- p 11 – steam-driven ships : bateaux à vapeur
Chapter 3 :
- p 13 – to raise : amasser, récolter
- p 14 – anxious to : impatient de
- p 15 – wealthy : riche
- in steerage : à l'entrepont
- p 16 – vied : rivalisé
- p 17 – achievements : réussites, réalisations
- p 18 – a far-seeing man : un visionnaire
Chapter 4 :
- p 19 – pulled up at : s'arrêta à
- p 20 – dented : abîmé
- p 21 – the sheer size : l'immensité
- p 22 – the shipyard : le chantier naval
- p 23 – an order : une commande
- a momentous day : un jour mémorable
Chapter 5 :
- p 24 – the keel : la quille
- steel : acier
- bulkhead : cloison
- p 26 – propeller : hélice
- p 27 – screws : vis
- the lack of : le manque de
- p 28 – the slipway : la cale
Chapter 6 :
p 34 – seaworthy : en état de naviguer
p 35 – rudder : gouvernail
p 38 – anchored off shore : s'ancra au large
p 40 – had snatched them from : les avait arrachés à
p 42 – the wiring : le cablâge
p 43 – to reach : atteindre
p 44 – the backlog : le retard accumulé
Chapter 7 :
- p 45 – the bow : la proue
- a plough : une charrue
- p 47 – behaviour : comportement
- p 48 – fateful : fatidique
- p 49 – binoculars : jumelles
- p 50 – a slight haze : une légère brume
- p 51 – the helmsman : le timonier, barreur
Chapter 8 :
- p 55 – juddered : s'arrêta brusquement
- p 56 – eerie silence : silence sinistre, angoissant
- p 57 – swift action : action rapide
- p 58 – doomed to sink : condamné à couler
- p 59 – the weight : le poids
- p 60 – stark fact : dure réalité ( cruelle )
- p 61 – the crew be mustered : que l'équipe soit rassemblée
Chapter 9 :
- p 62 – blissfully : parfaitement
- inquired : demandèrent
- p 63 – to remain : rester
- p 64 – horseplay : chahut
- the hull : la coque ( bateau )
- p 65 – a jolt : une secousse, un choc
- p 67 – the nearby funnel : la cheminée à proximité
Chapter 10 :
- p 68 – rebuffed : rabroué
- a liner : un paquebot
- p 70 – though : bien que
- p 71 – heeded : respectèrent, tinrent compte de
- p 72 – together : ensemble
- p 73 – faded : s'évanouit
- p 74 – dreaded : redoutait
Chapter 11 :
- p 75 – they rely on : ils comptent sur
- p 76 – rushed : se précipita
- p 77 – was rigged up : était traffiqué, arrangé
- p 78 – starboard side : flanc tribord
- p 79 – flooded : inondé
- p 80 – stairwells : cages d'escalier
- p 81 – the stern : la poupe
Chapter 12 :
- p 84 – weakened : affaibli
- p 85 – could no longer cope : ne pouvaient plus gérer
- p 86 – rekindled : rallumé, ravivé
- p 87 – rockets : fusées
- p 88 – swore : jura
- p 89 – fireworks : feux d'artifice
- p 90 – hardly : à peine, presque pas
Chapter 13 :
- p 91 – blurting out orders : crachait des ordres
- hindering : gênant, entravant
- p 92 – to row : ramer
- p 93 – an elderly married couple : un couple de retraités
- p 94 – bundled her back into the boat : la regroupa comme un paquet
- p 95 – bribery : corruption
- p 96 – they gathered : se rassemblèrent
Chapter 14 :
- p 98 – a gambler : un joueur
- p 99 – half full : à moitié plein
- p 100 – the davits : les bossoirs ( pour lever, hisser )
- p 101 – obvious : évident
- p 102 – he grabbed a boat's tiller : il saisit une barre
- a quirk of fate : un caprice du destin
- p 103 – the crow's nest : le nid de pie ( poste d'observation sur le mât )
Chapter 15 :
- p 104 – were sobbing : sanglotaient
- the blades : les lames
- p 105 – a scupper : un sabotage
- p 106 – some stokers : des soutiers
- p 107 – blankets : couvertures
- p 108 – in a cowardly manner : de façon lâche
- p 110 – his wealth : sa fortune
Chapter 16 :
- p 113 tilted : penché
- he claimed : il prétendit
- p 114 look to saving themselves : envisager de sauver leur vie
- p 115 grappling with a crewman : se battant avec un matelot
- surged forward : se précipita, se rua
- p 116 the aft steerage door : la porte arrière de la passerelle
- p 117 crockery : vaisselle
Chapter 17 : http://
- p 119 demise : fin, disparition
- p 120 unscathed : sain et sauf
- p 121 bleak : lugubre, sombre
- p 122 the upturned boat : le bateau chaviré, renversé
- p 123 wage slips : fiches de salaire
- p 124 the oars : les avirons
- p 125 seafaring : maritime
Chapter 18 :
- p 127 disbelieved : ne croyaient pas
- p 128 an even sharper lookout : une observation encore plus aiguisée
- p 129 flares : fusées, balises
- a standstill : arrêt, point mort
- p 130 scrambled up : s'attaqua à ( s'occupa de )
- p 131 floundering : s'enfonçant, en perdition
- p 132 as befitting an officer : en digne officier
- p 133 bedraggled : ébouriffés, débraillés
Chapter 19 : http://
- p 136 stunned : abasourdi, sous le choc
- p 138 was being towed était remorqué
- a potent symbol : symbole puissant, fort
- p 140 a watershed : un tournant, un moment marquant
- p 142 hasten : accélérer
- p 143 their death knell : leur glas
- p 144 in thrall to the tossing : esclave des flots agités, ballottements
Chapter 20 :
- p 145 greed : cupidité ( amour de l'argent )
- bullion : lingot
- p 146 valuable jewellery : bijoux de valeur
- p 147 hampered : entrava, gêna
- despondency : abattement, découragement
- whoops of success : cris de victoire
- p 148 the resting place : lieu de repos, tombe, dernière demeure
- p 150 littered : polluaient
MotoAmerica , home of AMA Superbike and North America's premier motorcycle road racing series, is thrilled to announce that it will partner with Daytona International Speedway to host one of the world's most prestigious races – the DAYTONA 200 – during the weekend of March 10-12, 2022, in Daytona Beach, Florida.
The 2022 DAYTONA 200, set for the green flag on Saturday, March 12, will be the 80th running of the event that began on the Daytona Beach shoreline in 1937 before moving to the World Center of Racing in 1961.
The DAYTONA 200 will feature motorcycles such as the Triumph 765, Ducati Panigale V2, MV Agusta F3 and others to compete alongside the current Yamaha YZF-R6, Suzuki GSX-R600 and Kawasaki ZX-6R allow ing multiple t y re manufacturers to join the competition.
In addition to the DAYTONA 200, the MotoAmerica weekend at Daytona International Speedway will be the opening round of the 2022 MotoAmerica King Of The Baggers Championship, marking the first time Baggers will race on the high banks of a Superspeedway with speeds expected to exceed 160 mph.
Earlier this year, Brandon Paasch, at only 19 years old, used an old, veteran move common to Daytona, to capture the 2021 DAYTONA 200 in breathtaking fashion. After running second for most of the last portion of the race, Paasch, calculated a perfect slingshot move at the entrance of the tri-oval as Sean Dylan Kelly came to the checkered flag, winning by just .031 of a second, and taking home the traditional Rolex Cosmograph Daytona watch.
For more news checkout MotoAmerica News or
Instagram: @superbikenews Twitter: @sbknews Facebook: @superbikenews
Questions :
1. Where exactly and when will the Daytona 200 event occur ?
2. How old is this event ?
3. What is the maximum speed limit for the Baggers competitors ?
4. How did Brandon Paasch win ? And which prize did he win ? 16th September 2021
A woman was found dead
after an apparent bear attack in Colorado
By Melissa Alonso
May 1, 2021
A Durango resident was believed to have gone walking wiith her two dogs earlier Friday according to information provided to the Plata County Sheriff's office by her boyfriend.
When he returned home around 8.30pm, the boyfriend discovered the two dogs outside of their home but the woman was missing.
He started searching for her and discovered her body around 9.30 pm. Then he called 911. Wildlife officers responded and observed signs of consumption on the body.
A dog team quickly found a she black bear with two yearlings nearby. The bears were euthanized.
« Bear attacks are extremely rare but potentially dangerous » said Cory Chick manager of CPW Southwest Region.
Over the last several decades, there have only been three fatal bear attacks in Colorado in 1971, 1993 and 2009.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife = CPW
1. Why did the woman disappear ?
2. Who alerted the emergies ?
3. Who found her body ?
4. What did the CPW do to the bears ?
5. Where did it happen exactly ? Give precisions.
6. Give the CPW conclusions.
JAGUAR I-PACE to be launched on the 23rd March 2021 !
2021 Jaguar I Pace: battery and electric motor details
Powering the all-electric I-Pace will be a 90kWh battery, which will send
power to two electric motors that develop a combined 400hp and 696Nm
of torque ( couple ) .
T he 2.2-tonne electric SUV can do the 0-100kph sprint in 4.8sec,
and go on to hit a top speed of 200kph.
T he I-Pace has a 470km WLTP-rated range on a single charge.
To offer its customers some added peace of mind,
Jaguar will be offering a complimentary 5-year service package
and 5 years of roadside assistance, in addition to the standard
8-year or 1,60,000km battery warranty.
2021 Jaguar I Pace: variant break-up
In India, Jaguar will offer the I-Pace electric SUV in three variants –
S, SE, and top-spec HSE.
The base-spec I-Pace will come well-kitted, with 19-inch diamond-cut
alloy wheels, LED headlamps and tail-lights,
a full-length fixed glass roof, dual touchscreen infotainment system
running 'Pivi Pro', Apple CarPlay and Android Auto support,
' InControl' connected-car tech and more coming as standard.
The top-spec HSE trim ( habillage ) will feature even more equipment like
the adaptive 'Matrix' LED headlights, a hands-free boot release,
adaptive cruise control, a heads-up display, 'Windsor' leather sport seats,
and a 16-speaker, 825W Meridian sound system, to name a few.
Jaguar will also offer the I-Pace with a number of optional extras,
including adaptive air suspension, four-zone climate control,
an ionising air purifier with PM2.5 filtration,
and a digital rear-view mirror, among others.
Questions : March 2021
1. How many engines will the I-Pace be equipped with ?
2. How long will the new battery warranty be ?
3. Find two sleek materials on this new car.
4. What will the characteristics of air conditioning be ?
Americans consume some 70,000 microplastic particles a year
Estimating how much plastic we eat, drink and breathe will help determine health risks
Bits of plastic too small to see are in the air we breathe. They are in the water we drink and the food we eat.
The scientists estimated that the average American consumes more than 70,000 particles of microplastics per year. People who drink only bottled water could consume even more. They could be drinking in an additional 90,000 microplastic particles per year. That's probably from microplastics leaching into the water from the plastic bottles. Sticking to tap water adds only 4,000 particles annually.
Scientists have found microplastics all over the world — even in mosquitoes ' bellies. These tiny bits of plastic come from many sources. Some are created after plastic waste in landfills and oceans breaks down. In water, plastic breaks down when it's exposed to light and wave action. Clothes made of nylon and other types of plastic also shed bits of lint as they are washed. When wash water goes down the drain, it can carry that lint into rivers and the ocean. There, fish and other aquatic creatures will eat it.
That's because we need to know how much plastic is in our bodies before we can talk about its effect, explains Kieran Cox. Cox is a marine biologist who led the study. He's a graduate student in Canada at the University of Victoria. That's in British Columbia.
" We know how much plastic we're putting into the environment," says Cox. "We wanted to know how much plastic the environment is putting into us."
The team checked fish, shellfish, sugars, salts, alcohol, tap and bottled water, and air.
Depending on a person's age and sex, Americans consume from 74,000 to 121,000 particles per year, they calculated.
Risk factors
Plastics are made from many different chemicals. Researchers don't know how many of these ingredients might affect human health. However, they do know that some ingredients can cause cancer. Polyvinyl chloride is one of those. Phthalates (THAAL-ayts) are also dangerous. These chemicals, used to soften some plastics or as solvents, are endocrine disruptors . Such chemicals mimic hormones found in the body. Hormones trigger natural changes in cells' growth and development. But these chemicals can fake out the body's normal signals and lead to disease.
Plastic also can act like a sponge, soaking up pollution. The pesticide DDT is one type of pollution that's been found in plastics floating in the ocean. Polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, are a second type.
What are the 'safe' limits of microplastics ?
How long microplastics take to move through the body after they've been consumed ?
For now it's a good idea to "minimize exposure where we can. Drink tap water, not bottled water, which is better for you and the planet."
Cox says doing the study made him change some of his behaviors. When it was time to replace his toothbrush, for example, he bought one made of bamboo, not plastic.
" If you have the freedom to chose, make these small choices," he says. "They add up." February 2021
Questions :
- Why do scientists study the microplastics we ingest ?
- How do microplastics get into our bodies ?
- How many particles do Americans consume every year ?
- What is the strangest place where we can find plastic ?
- Name 3 dangerous activities in our routine ?
- Give two examples of noxious effects of plastic for our health.
- What are Cox's two advice ?
« Built into the rocks upon which Nottingham Castle stands, the pub claims to have first opened its doors over 800 years ago and is widely considered to be the oldest pub in the country and one of the oldest in the world.
« The pub is actually attached to the caves which once served as a brewery* for the castle, which makes for a very interesting interior – take a look. »
The video can be seen on Life is Art's website, where it says: « Consistently voted the best pub to visit in the UK, this is one for the ale lovers and history buffs * alike.
The 'cursed galleon'* which no one will dust because legend has it that the last three people who cleaned it died mysterious and unexpected deaths within 12 months.
Pub manager Karl Gibson said: « Life is Art is a stunning concept and they have done some amazing work. We've very proud of the Trip to be recognised so kindly as an amazing place and proud to represent Nottingham and reflect some of the city's unique cave rooms.
* B REWERY : brasserie January 2021
* BUFF : amateur, passionné
* CURSED GALLEON : galion maudit
Questions :
a) What is the name of this famous pub ?
b) Who is the owner ?
c) Which association helped making this pub well-known ?
d) In which century did it open ?
e) What tragedy happened in this pub ?
Branding itself as the only plastic that 'truly' biodegrades, a new materials company is manufacturing plastics that break down into harmless component elements in less than a year.
Polymateria's special biodegrading plastic is added to the manufacturing stage of plastic to create completely normal forms of plastic that can be used to make both rigid or flexible products, and after around 226 days, a harmless wax, edible by microbes, is the only thing that will remain of something like an ice-cream wrapper if left on the side of the road.
Polymateria Ltd was developed at Imperial College London and is chaired by former Marks & Spencer CEO Mark Bolland. The firm aims to tackle the plastic problem head on, with a plan to launch their products as soon as possible in Asia, and to target the two most common types of polluting plastic polymers, polyurethane and polypropylene.
The sportswear brand Puma will be the first to incorporate Polymateria's plastic, adding it to a whopping number of 160 million plastic bags.
December, 1st 2020
Questions :
a- What are the two dangerous types of plastics.
b- Who is at the origin of the Polymateria ?
c- Why has Puma a great role to play ?
d- Compared to 450 years before what
will be the duration of the new plastic bottles ?
Last July, p rotesters held rallies, marches and sit-ins in Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles and more than a dozen other U.S. cities and towns.
They blocked a highway leading up to Mount Rushmore, where President Donald Trump was scheduled to speak. Police used pepper spray and arrested the protesters, who argue the land in which the monument lies on – Black Hills, South Dakota – was seized from the Lakota Sioux by the U.S. government in the 1800s, and that the Trump administration opposes the interests of Native Americans and other minority groups.
Organizers led several demonstrations across the city depite Trump's plans to host hundreds of people at the White House for music and fireworks for the 4th of July.
The Independence Day holiday « doesn't really mean anything when Black people weren't free on July 4th and those same liberties weren't afforded to us, » said Kerrigan Williams, co-founder of Freedom Fighters D.C.
Williams, who grew up in Houston, said her family's real celebration was on Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating June 19, 1865, when Galveston, Texas, finally got the news that President Abraham Lincoln had freed enslaved people in rebel states two and a half years earlier.
Amy Yeboah, a professor of Africana Studies at Howard University, joined dozens of law students for an eight-hour sit-in outside the Supreme Court.
« We're honoring Black women – the lives that have been lost to police brutality – but also the blind eye that America has to the injustices that face Black women, » Yeboah said, invoking the names of Breonna Taylor, Rekia Boyd and Aiyana Jones, who were fatally shot by police.
« This being the celebration of independence, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I'll be talking about how these are not things Black women have been given the space to celebrate, » Yeboah said.
The nation has a long history of Independence Day demonstrations.
In 1854, abolitionists including William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth and Henry David Thoreau held a rally in Framingham, Massachusetts, where Garrison burnt copies of the Fugitive Slave Law and the U.S. Constitution.
From 1965 to 1968, gay rights activists picketed outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia. In 1976, prisoners at the Marion, Illinois, federal penitentiary staged a hunger strike against their inhumane treatment there. In 1986, after the Supreme Court upheld a Georgia statute that largely criminalized homosexual activity, activists protested in New York City.
More recently, in 2013, following revelations about NSA mass surveillance programs, Restore the Fourth, a nonprofit supporting the Fourth Amendment, held rallies in dozens of cities. And in 2018, Patricia Okoumou climbed the Statue of Liberty to protest the detention of migrant children.
All lives matter .
( adapted from Grace Hauck USA TODAY Jul 5, 2020 )
Questions :
1. Why did some American people decide to protest on the 4th of July ?
2. Are these the first Independence Day demonstrations ? Give 3 famous examples.
3. What does Mrs Yeboah want ?
4. What is Juneteenth a symbol of ?
5. How did Mrs Okoumou attract attention on migrant children ?
6. Where is Mount Rushmore situated ?
Questions :
a- What does 'CPV' mean ?
b- What is it used for ?
c- Where was it built ?
d- Give the 4 essential requirements ordered by the customs ?
Thermwood technology
CNC machinery manufacturer Thermwood Corp. (Dale, Ind., U.S.) recently reported that it has successfully demonstrated a new approach to large scale 3D printing using its patented vertical layer print (VLP) technology. Vertical layer printing prints on a vertical rather than horizontal plane, enabling the printing of parts that are much taller than would be practical using traditional horizontal layer print. According to the company, parts more than 20 feet tall have already been printed on Thermwood's larger LSAM (L-Sam) systems.
Thermwood says its LSAM large scale additive systems typically feature high walls, a fixed table and moving gantries. On these machines, when parts need to be vertically printed, they are printed on a vertical moving table and supported by stainless steel belts which slide on the main table.
This system can both print and trim on the same machine. Parts are first printed at high speed and then, when cooled, machined to the final size and shape.
Moreover it can theoretically vertically print parts that weighed up to 50,000 pounds, which means there is no practical weight limitation. September 2020
Questions :
1. What are the 3 main characteristics of this technology ?
2. Give the size and weight of possible parts ?
3. Name the 4 basic parts of this printer.
4. Find 2 advantages.
13th August 2020
Some 300 common dolphins were caught on camera Sunday stampeding across the ocean near Dana Point, California.
The minutes-long video captured by Capt. Dave's Whale Watching Safari shows dolphins leaping several feet into the air above the glistening waters, wowing those aboard the boat.
" It's thought that the dolphins could be evading a predator such as orcas, racing to catch a food source, or meeting up with another pod of dolphins," the charter company said in a statement.
Questions :
1. Who published this piece of news ?
2. Where did it happen ?
3. What is Captain Dave's job ?
4. Why do so many dolphins run so fast ?
A spoiled ceremony of freedom
on July 4th protesters say
not all Americans are free
Grace Hauck USA TODAY
Published 5:27 PM EDT Jul 5, 2020
Protesters held rallies, marches and sit-ins Saturday in Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles and more than a dozen other U.S. cities and towns.
On Friday, protesters blocked a highway leading up to Mount Rushmore, where President Donald Trump was scheduled to speak. Police used pepper spray and arrested the protesters, who argue the land in which the monument lies on – Black Hills,
South Dakota – was seized from the Lakota Sioux by the U.S. government in the 1800s, and that the Trump administration opposes the interests of Native Americans and other minority groups.
On Saturday in the nation's capital, where Trump planned to host hundreds of people at the White House for music and fireworks, organizers led several demonstrations across the city.
Kerrigan Williams, co-founder of Freedom Fighters D.C. helped lead a « Juliberation » march through the city's Northwest neighborhoods.
The Independence Day holiday « doesn't really mean anything when Black people weren't free on July 4th and those same liberties weren't afforded to us, » said Williams, who has been co-organizing marches in the city for at least three weeks. « We're still marching for the same things. »
Declaration of Independence in 2020 : Historians re-read the nation's founding document.
Williams, who grew up in Houston, said she used to mark the Fourth of July with family cookouts. But thoughts of her enslaved ancestors always lingered in the back of her mind. The family's real celebration, Williams said, was on Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating June 19, 1865, when Galveston, Texas, finally got the news that President Abraham Lincoln had freed enslaved people in rebel states two and a half years earlier.
Amy Yeboah, a professor of Africana Studies at Howard University, joined dozens of law students for an eight-hour sit-in outside the Supreme Court.
« We're honoring Black women – the lives that have been lost to police brutality – but also the blind eye that America has to the injustices that face Black women, » Yeboah said, invoking the names of Breonna Taylor, Rekia Boyd and Aiyana Jones, who were fatally shot by police.
« This being the celebration of independence, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I'll be talking about how these are not things Black women have been given the space to celebrate, » Yeboah said. « Their justice is still being considered. »
American in 2020? Amid protests and a pandemic, what does that mean?
In Chicago, hundreds gathered downtown Saturday afternoon for a rally and march through the streets.
The nation has a long history of Independence Day demonstrations.
In 1854, abolitionists including William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth and Henry David Thoreau held a rally in Framingham, Massachusetts, where Garrison burned copies of the Fugitive Slave Law and the U.S. Constitution.
From 1965 to 1968, gay rights activists picketed outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia. In 1976, prisoners at the Marion, Illinois, federal penitentiary staged a hunger strike against their inhumane treatment there. In 1986, after the Supreme Court upheld a Georgia statute that largely criminalized homosexual activity, activists protested in New York City.
More recently, in 2013, following revelations about NSA mass surveillance programs, Restore the Fourth, a nonprofit supporting the Fourth Amendment, held rallies in dozens of cities. And in 2018, Patricia Okoumou climbed the Statue of Liberty to protest the detention of migrant children.
Black lives matter too.
Questions :
1. Why did some American people decide to protest on the 4th of July ?
2. Are these the first Independence Day demonstrations ?
Give 3 famous examples.
3. What does Mrs Yeboah want ?
4. What is Juneteenth a symbol of ?
5. How did Mrs Okoumou attract attention on migrant children ?
6. Where is Mount Rushmore situated ?
A US army helicopter lifted an abandoned bus in Alaska from a trail outside Denali National Park.
Two people have drowned in rivers on their way to or from the bus and many more have had to be rescued.
In 1992, the bus was inhabited by 24-year-old adventurer Chris McCandless.
His story was told by author Jon Krakauer in the 1996 book Into the Wild.
In 2007, this book was adapted into a film directed by Sean Penn.
Since then, this bus has had a hold on the popular imagination and has become a perilous attraction.
This bus was deep in central Alaska 50 kms from the nearest town.
Last year a newlywed woman from Belarus drowned trying to cross the Teklanika River.
In April a stranded Brazilian had to be evacuated and in February five Italians were rescued with one suffering severe frostbite.
The state carried out 15 bus-related search and rescue operations between 2009 and 2017.
What will happen to it ? Alaskan authorities said it would be kept in a secure location until a decision is made.
( adapted from BBC news )
Questions ( text ):
1. Why is this bus so important ?
2. What sort of accidents happened in the region around the bus ?
3. How was the bus removed ?
4. Where did Sean Penn find inspiration for his movie ?
5. How many rescues were reported between 2009 and 2017 ?
Enjoy watching one of the best scenes in the movie :
TRAVELERS – May 2020
A sci-fi TV series created by Brad Wright which deals with FBI agents trying to prevent catastrophes like pandemia.
Listen to him
Answer the questions:
- How do heroes travel in this series ?
- What is their goal ?
- Name the other TV show Brad Wright is famous for ?
- Explain the term « hybrid method » :
- What is Brad Wright message through this series ?
April 2020 : video / The Simpsons
18 times 'The Simpsons' accurately predicted the future
– Business Insider -Tom Murray 03/02/2020
« The Simpsons » has been running for almost 30 years, so it's inevitable that some themes that crop up in the show might occur in real life. But some of the plotlines are eerily close to events that have happened throughout the world.
We've listed some of the strangest predictions the cartoon's writers have made since the show's launch in 1989.
1. In 1990, Bart catches a three-eyed fish named Blinky in the river by the power plant, which makes local headlines. It happened in Argentina 10 years later.
2. Springfieldians protested against Michelangelo's statue of David being exhibited in the local museum, calling the artwork obscene for its nudity. It came true in July 2016 in St Petersburg.
3. In 1991, an episode of « The Simpsons » saw The Beatles' Ringo Star diligently answering fan mail that had been written decades ago. Paul McCartney did.
4. The Simpsons parodied entertainers Siegfried & Roy in 1993. In 2003, Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy was attacked during a live performance by a white tiger.
5. In 1994, Lunchlady Doris used « assorted horse parts » to make lunch for students at Springfield Elementary.
Nine years later, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland found horse DNA in over one-third of beefburger samples from supermarkets and ready meals, and pig in 85% of them.
6. « The Simpsons » introduced the idea of a watch you could use as a phone in an episode aired in 1995, nearly 20 years before the Apple Watch was released.
7. In 2008, « The Simpsons » showed Homer trying to vote for Barack Obama in the US general election, but a faulty machine changed his vote. Four years later, a voting machine in Pennsylvania had to be removed after it kept changing people's votes for Barack Obama to ones for his Republican rival Mitt Romney.
8. In 2012, Lady Gaga performed for the town of Springfield hanging in midair. Five years later, she flew off the Houston NRG Stadium roof in real life to perform her Super Bowl halftime show.
9. In 2017, Homer revives a dragon that proceeds to incinerate a village.On the penultimate episode of « Game of Thrones, » Daenerys Targaryen shocked fans when she and her dragon laid waste to an already surrendered King's Landing, obliterating thousands of innocent people.
( find the other half on )
Questions :
1. Where did the Food Authority find horse meat ?
2. How was a whole village burnt down ?
3. What strange animal happened to be a victim of nuclear effects ?
4. Why did Tom Murray write this article ?
To see a Skywhale, 100 feet tall, smiling serenely, is to experience a variety of emotions: wonder, shock, hate, delight – and a not small amount of confusion.
"She's a maternal figure," Piccinini says. "I am often asked where the babies are."
As part of the National Gallery of Australia's 2020 program, Skywhale will fly again from March, this time accompanied by her partner: a new, "taller and more vertical", yet similarly knobbly balloon called Skywhalepapa.
"Skywhalepapa is quite different from the Skywhale," Piccinini says. "He has these bulky arms that he uses to gather and protect the babies.
"He is taller and more vertical. I'm not sure if he's traditionally masculine but he does have a certain strength I think, but also gentleness. He is surrounded by a group of Skywhale children … being looked after by the male."
The acclaimed Australian artist, who grew up in Canberra, is celebrated around the world for her uncanny, hyper-real sculptures. The Skywhale has flown above Ireland, Japan, Brazil and Victoria's Yarra Valley.
"I see Skywhale as an amazing and beautiful creature," the sculptor says. "Certainly she is unusual but no more so than so many of the wonderful creatures that we share this world with.
"Skywhale was always about maternity and care, and I believe that care is a value – and a responsibility – that should not confined one gender," she says.
Piccinini wants to celebrate the role fathers are beginning to play in raising children. "As a feminist, I think that patriarchy tends to dismiss and devalue caring, but when you actually care for another is much easier to care for the rest of the world."
"One of things about these works is that you need to be lucky to see them," Piccinini says.
"The wind and weather must be right, essentially nature must allow us to see them and we cannot control that. We are lucky if we get to see them, just like we are lucky if we get to see so many of the wonders of the natural world.
"It reminds us that not everything is just for us whenever we want it. And that we should be grateful. I really love that."
9th March 2020 http//www.the / australia
Questions :
1. Who is Mrs Piccinini ? Where is she from ?
2. What are the Skywhales ?
3. Who can see them ? Is it easy ? What is the message ?
4. Why did she launch this project ?
5. Give 3 best qualities for the male Skywhale.
( engagements royaux )
Prince Harry reportedly said he has no regrets about leaving his senior role in the British royal family to move to Canada with his wife Meghan Markle and son Archie.
Aside from the topic of « Megxit, » Harry also spoke about the impact the death of his mother Princess Diana has on his life.
« Harry spoke about mental health and how he has been in therapy for the past three years to try to overcome the trauma of losing his mother ».
According to the source, Harry said leaving the royal duties behind « has been very difficult on him » but « He does not want Meghan and their son Archie to go through what he did as a child, » the source explained.
Another source said Markle and Harry were flown to the conference on a private jet and stayed at a private mansion owned by Markle's friend Serena Williams in Palm Beach.
Last month, Queen Elizabeth II released a statement outlining how the Sussexes are leaving the royal family, at least in an official capacity.
« Following many months of conversations and more recent discussions, I am pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family, » the statement read. « Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family. I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life. »
Under the deal, Markle and Harry will not receive funding from the Sovereign Grant, the funds the family receives from the U.K. government. This means they will have « financial independence » from now on.
February, 8th 2020 By Daniel S. Levine
Questions :
1. Do Harry and Meghan plan to live in London ?
2. Is Harry in good health ? What are the consequences on their lives ?
3. Has the Queen reacted nicely ?
James Crawford Angel (August 1, 1899 – December 8, 1956) was an American aviator
He was born near Cedar Valley, Missouri. He was a gold prospector who discovered Angel Falls accidentally flying over the mountain in his Flamingo monoplane.
In 1937, although Jimmy landed his plane successfully on the high summit Auyan-tepu, nicknamed the « Devil's Canyon », the plane's wheels sank in the mud, which made take-off impossible.
With limited food supplies, James Crawford abandoned his plane and trekked for 11 days until he found a settlement to rest.
As this happened in the second largest national Park in Venezuela,
Jimmy's exploit became world famous and the world highest waterfalls were named after him.
The aircraft remained marooned atop the mountain until 1970.
In 1994, the National Park was entitled a world heritage wonder by UNESCO.
Later, he had heart and breathing problems and died.
This well-known airman's body was cremated but his family to his
wishes and scattered his remains over the Falls on July, 2nd 1960.,
( adapted, January 2020 )
Questions :
– What was James Crawford's job ?
– How did he get an accident ?
– When did he die ?
– Why were the waterfalls named after him ?
The Best U.S. Cities For A Christmas Getaway In 2019
1. National Museum Of The American Indian Washington, D.C. Located in the nation's capital, the National Museum of the American Indian is one of the 17 museums that make up the Smithsonian Institution. The five-story, curved building on the southeastern portion of the National Mall was designed to look like natural rock shaped by the elements of wind and water over thousands of years. 2. Ancestral Puebloan Cliff Dwellings At Mesa Verde National Park Southwestern Colorado Built more than 800 years ago, the Cliff Palace was constructed by native Puebloans beginning in the late 12th century and is the largest cliff dwelling in America. Using sandstone, mortar, and wooden beams, the Pueblo people constructed an elaborate structure with 150 rooms. Used for ceremonies and gatherings. 3. New York, the city that never sleeps Whether you're visiting New York for the first time or the 50th, you'll need a good place for your home base. Many travelers are now opting for home-sharing arrangements such as Airbnb instead of a hotel when they vacation. So, what's the best option for you? Great hotel lodgings in Manhattan can be expensive, and that's where Airbnb might come into play as an option. Airbnb offerings might be cheaper, and you might end up with far more space than you'd have in a standard hotel room. With a bit of planning ahead of time, an Airbnb or other home-sharing option can be a terrific solution. Airbnbs can also be great if you're going to be in New York for an extended period of time. They will offer a homier feel, and most rentals will feature kitchens, which will free you up to self-cater. This can really stretch your vacation-budget dollar. If privacy is important to you, you'll want to be absolutely sure you are getting the entire space, not just a private room. (Sorting by "Type of place" and "Entire place" is essential here.) If you opt for a cheaper private room, it will likely mean you're sharing the space with the renter or homeowner, something you'll need to square with your own needs and expectations when it comes to comfort and security. https://www.travelawaits.comQuestions : - What do you learn about The American Indian Museum ? - Why are Cliff rooms so special ? - Tell us about the advantages of an AirBnB room ? - Which side must you pay attention to when you rent an AirBnB ?
The 'iron scow':
Why an old boat stuck above Niagara Falls dislodged Friday
A scow is, per the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, "an important yet largely unstudied vessel type that operated on the North American Great Lakes" at the end of the 19th century.
This scow had been trapped since August 2018.
"It appears to have sort of flipped on its side and spun around after heavy rains and wind gusts," said Jim Hill, the superintendent of heritage at the Niagara Parks Commission.
While the notion of an 80-foot boat hurtling over the falls sounds scary other large boats have made the trip before. One of them, a steamer called the Caroline, actually prompted an international incident 182 years ago. Another, the Michigan, was reportedly sent over with a number of animals aboard.
Of course, the base of the falls is considerably more crowded today than it was in, say, 1837. But so far, tour operators don't seem concerned.
Questions :
– Why has the old boat been dislodged from down the river ?
– Is this the first time that a boat has floated down the Niagara Falls ?
– What are the worries ?
More information and questions about the salvage operation :
Questions :
– Name the two workers who were rescued in August 2018.
– Why is Mr William Hill Senior so important ?
How did « Lynette Scavo » go crazy about her daughter's future .
On Tuesday, the Determined Housewives actress, Felicity Huffman started her 14-day sentence on the Federal Correctional Establishment Dublin in Northern California.
This prison has been deemed one of many "cushiest" federal prisons by Forbes.
On the facility, Felicity will go her days with at the very least 1,200 different non-violent offenders. Indeed, she paid 15000 dollars to have her daughter admitted in a famous university like Yale, Stanford or Georgetown by tampering with the entrance tests.
After all, Felicity must alter to the change of life-style. For instance, based on the Dublin handbook, the jail requires that each one khaki-wearing inmates make their mattress by 6:30 a.m. each weekday, whereas the weekends have a extra relaxed wake-up time of 10 a.m.
When the 56-year-old is not cleansing, consuming or collaborating in name outs the star will even be capable to go to the library, take part in sport or train packages and even work on hobbies like needlepoint, crochet, knitting and portray within the arts and crafts room.
Plus, she will atone for what is going on on in Hollywood by watching TV—that's till 8:45 p.m. through the weekdays and 10:45 p.m. on the weekends.
On the finish of her two-week sentence the actress will return to the surface world the place she is going to nonetheless be below supervised launch. The American Crime star will even have to finish 250 hours of neighborhood service and is required to pay a $30,000, which she stated she "look[s] ahead to doing" when she spoke at her sentencing.
Questions : CE
– Why has Felicity Huffman been sent to prison ?
– What is her sentence ?
– Give 5 reasons why her prison is nicknamed « cushy » ?
Find in the first video : CO
- How does Mrs Huffman feel about her deed ?
- What must elite university students be excellent at ?
Find in the second video : CO
- According to her fellow actress why may Felicity be in a state of shock after going to prison ?
California boat fire :
The Conception which had been taking divers worldwide since the 1970s
is no more…
adapted from Daily Sun 3rd September, 2019 09:24:08
A middle-of-the-night fire swept a boat carrying recreational scuba divers anchored near an island off the Southern California coast early Monday, leaving at least 25 dead and nine others missing.
Five of six crew members on the Conception escaped by jumping into an inflatable boat.
Rescuers recovered four bodies about 90 miles (145 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles just off Santa Cruz Island. The Coast Guard said the boat sank about 20 yards (18 meters) from shore.
Nor the feds nor local investigators have determined a cause for the fire yet.
The 75-foot (23 meters) Conception was on a three-day excursion to the chain of rugged, wind-swept isles that form Channel Islands National Park in the Pacific Ocean. The fire broke out around 3 a.m. in Platt's Harbor off Santa Cruz Island.
The five crew members who escaped took refuge on a boat called The Grape Escape, anchored nearby.
The Grape Escape's owners, Bob and Shirley Hansen, told The New York Times they were asleep when they heard pounding on the side of their 60-foot (18-meter) fishing vessel about 3:30 a.m. and discovered the frightened crew members. They told the couple they fled when the fire grew out of control.
"When we looked out, the other boat was totally engulfed in flames, from stem to stern," Hansen said, estimating it was no more than 100 yards (91 meters) from his craft. "I could see the fire coming through holes on the side of the boat. There were these explosions every few beats. You can't prepare yourself for that. It was horrendous.
"The fire was too big, there was absolutely nothing we could do," he added.
The Conception, based in Santa Barbara Harbor on the mainland, was owned by Truth Aquatics, a Santa Barbara-based company founded in 1974. Dave Reid, who runs an underwater camera manufacturing business with his wife, Terry Schuller, and has traveled on the Conception and two other boats in Truth Aquatics' fleet, said he considered all three among the best and safest.
A memorial outside Truth Aquatics in the Santa Barbara Harbor grew Monday night as mourners came to pay their respects.
Authorities will continue searching for evidence about what happened to this cruiser.
Questions :
– Find 3 information about the Grape Escape.
– Give 5 elements about the Conception.
– When did the fire start ? Where was the boat at that moment ? What were the passengers doing ?
A text each month with questions to practise. You may « do it yourself » or with a friend. When speak about the answers you found in the text try to be as long as possible, vary your vocabulary, use synonyms and reformulate in your own way.
The 7th heir to the British Crown was born on Monday the 6th of May at 5.30 am local time.
He was introduced to Queen Elizabeth II and King Philip. They met their cute eighth great-grandchild.
For decades, Americans were told that Area 51 didn't really exist and that the U.S. government had no official interest in aliens or UFOs.
The Pentagon has officially confirmed that there was, in fact, a $22 million government program to collect and analyze "anomalous aerospace threats" — government-speak for UFOs.
What are we to make of 70 years of bizarre stories centered on a secret government base ?
In 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower "approved the addition of this strip of wasteland, known by its map designation as Area 51, to the Nevada Test Site,".
The area was near the Atomic Energy Commission's vast, desolate proving grounds and was used to test the high-altitude U-2 reconnaissance plane.
A parade of top -secret aircraft was tested in the area, according to Reuters , including the A-12 aircraft , a spy plane that flew faster than the speed of sound, and the angular F-117 stealth ground-attack jet .
The biggest conspiracy theory is that Area 51 is where the U.S. government stored aliens and spacecraft that crash-landed on Earth, particularly the unidentifiable debris discovered by William "Mac" Brazel.
Brazel, a farmer, discovered metallic rods, pieces of plastic and silvery paper scraps in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. He called the sheriff, who called the military, who carted the debris off in armored vehicles. But the secret was out, and it captured the imagination of the American public.
The debris Brazel found on his farm was part of a government coverup.
It just didn't involve aliens.
The Air Force claimed it was using high-altitude balloons to try to detect Soviet nuclear tests.
The period of mystery was the heyday of popular science fiction movies.
Adapted from Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
December 18, 2017
Earth's orbit is full of space junk. About 500,000 individual pieces of debris circulate around the planet, according to NASA, and about 50,000 of the largest of those are tracked by the space agency and the U.S. Department of Defense. , Between 200 and 400 pieces of space debris reenter the atmosphere each year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service. Most of that junk burns up before hitting the surface of the planet.
( 30th January 2019 )
It appears that Earth's orbit is becoming crowded.
Will the debris go on orbiting forever ? Are humans able to take care of the galaxy as much as they can prevent rubbish from polluting our planet ?
Two days after the crash, Prince Philip is driving a new car.
The Duke of Edinburgh has written to a woman injured in a car crash he was involved in near Sandringham in Norfolk to say that he is « deeply sorry ».
Prince Philip wished Emma Fairweather a « speedy recovery », adding that he was « somewhat shaken after the accident ».
The 97-year-old suggested he did not see the car she was a passenger in on 17 January because of bright sun.
His Land Rover Freelander collided with a Kia driven by Ms Fairweather's friend after he pulled out of a driveway.
The duke's vehicle flipped over in the crash, which took place on the A149 near the Queen's country estate, and he was helped out by a passing motorist.
BBC.COM.NEWS ( 27th January 2019 )
A little story for Xmas day :
This tradition dates back to 1833 when aristocrats distributed « Christmas boxes » to their servants and poor people.
These boxes were filled with dinner leftovers, money, tools, or clothes.
Almsgiving has changed since King William IV's times but is still a holiday today.
It has become a popular day for watching soccer or cricket, queuing and
shopping, visiting friends. While the population used to practise
the discarded fox hunting, British citizens now enjoy horse racing.
And just for fun :
( The Grinch video extract )
- Born in 1988, Missouri
- Poet, filmmaker, rapper, philosopher
- Graduated in Anthropology at Uni
- 1 billion facebook viewers know about his provoking and inspirational creations
- Gives conferences in high schools and universities nationwide
( 18th November 2018 ) Why is this person important ?
Have a look and visit …
No time to regret the forest management,
nor the global warming
Deaths, evacuated people and animals, massive home destructions,
standstill traffic, raging fires wrecked havoc through
the idyllic Californian Coast.
Thank you to the 9402 firefighters and volunteers.
Follow the last news about
Between reality and sci-fi :
In 2015, a UFO was spotted over Vancouver during a baseball match.
If you would like to follow this story click on this link and
watch the video !
Furthermore, a new series is coming soon : Project Blue Book.
It's based on a true story of a project to hunt UFOs which was launched by the US government between 1952 and 1969.
Let's watch and listen to the trailer on
( 10th October 2018 )
Wayne Shelford – the man who breathed new life into the haka
This man wanted the words of the HAKA to be closely studied. He is a former rugby champion who became a trainer.
As the captain of the New Zealand rugby team he decided to reorganize the dance and insist on the psychological booster of the Haka.
This Haka revival has participated in the All Blacks' respectful popularity and success.
National Citizen Service
The most visible legacy of David Cameron's "big society", a £1.5bn taxpayer-funded scheme that encourages teenagers to get involved in their communities
The National Citizen Service, which was launched in 2011, brings together young people from different backgrounds for a programme of personal and social development. It offers a three- to four-week part-residential programme where 15- to 17-year-olds work in teams building life skills, taking on challenges, making friends and contributing to their community.
Almost £1bn of the budget for its current programme, which runs until 2020, has yet to be spent, prompting frenzied bidding for contracts among organisations that provide activity placements during school holidays.
NCS said that nearly 400,000 young people had benefited from its services, making it the fastest- growing youth programme in more than a century.
from ( 30th September 2018 )
Piece of news extracted from the
40 secondary English schools have banned pupils from wearing skirts
Skirts feature on a list of unaccepable items along with facial piercings and skinny jeans.
They must wear « plain grey trousers ». Skirts can be embarrassing for girls when they sit down in assemblies and drama classes.
Some critics of the decision argue that rather than forcing all pupils to wear trousers, students should all have the option of wearing skirts or trousers, regardless of gender.
In addition !
A secondary school in Oxfordshire has banned boys from wearing shorts telling them they were free to wear skirts instead !
In this school the rule is to wear either shorts or skirts.
As they have a gender-neutral policy, boys are allowed to wear skirts if they wish.
Shorts were removed from the uniform after a consultation as not »business-like » attire.
and finally … here are teenage boys protesting against their right to wear shorts being robbed from them.
Picture from The Telegraph.
I think this is the picture of the year from WaterAid.
According to you, what is the picture of the year 2018 ?
800 abandoned buckets appear at Potters Field Park, London, in a moving tribute to the 800 children who die every day, on average, due to a lack of clean water and sanitation. Just one bucket in the installation, part of WaterAid's #Untapped appeal, could hold almost enough safe drinking water for one child for a week. Every £1 donated to the #Untapped appeal until 31st January 2018 will be matched by the UK Government. Photo Credit should read WaterAid / Ollie Dixon.
Photo shows Zoe Stevens adding the finishing touches to the buckets.
« Today, I humbly stand before you to offer a long overdue apology, » Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, said during a ceremony in the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.
About 150,000 indigenous children attended residential schools across Canada between the 1940s and late 1990s.
Canada wanted to assimilate native children into white Canadian culture.
Students were neglected, separated from their families and communities, prevented from speaking their native languages and learning about their culture, and many endured severe physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
( November 2017 )
And more on Canada and its regions : Klondike
In addition you can find this video interesting in order to understand the difference between the Canadian Provinces and Territories
Aqua-tainer Co Bucket Opener No P38 Youtube
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